2013 Appita Conference
Melbourne, Australia
May 2013
Trade Trends for New Zealand Forest Products - Challenges and Opportunities
Melbourne, Australia
May 2013
Trade Trends for New Zealand Forest Products - Challenges and Opportunities

Invest Forest 2nd International Conference on Forest Investment
May 2013
May 2013
- Some International Timberland Investment Trends
- The Impact of Wood Demand Trends in China on Direct or Indirect Timberlands Investment

Four-State Forestry `On The Grow` Conference
Texarkana, USA
May 2013
Some International [Mostly Institutional] Timberland Investment Trends
Texarkana, USA
May 2013
Some International [Mostly Institutional] Timberland Investment Trends

Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute
Dana Point, USA
May 2013
Timberland as an investment asset class
Dana Point, USA
May 2013
Timberland as an investment asset class

World Teak Conference
Bangkok, Thailand
March 2013
Keys to Success for a Sustainable Commercial Teak Plantation: Economics and Investment Aspects
Bangkok, Thailand
March 2013
Keys to Success for a Sustainable Commercial Teak Plantation: Economics and Investment Aspects

New York City, USA
January 2013
New York City, USA
January 2013
- Some Emerging New Timberland Investment Regions and Species
- The Impact of Wood Demand Trends in China and India on Direct or Indirect Timberlands Investment Affected By These Two Countries